Joe is the only person I have ever met who eats Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. When I discovered this I was full of a warm feeling... we were meant to be... this was a sign.
I remember at the time I had a thought strike me, I was being foolish. The only reason either of us ate PB&Ps was because our Mommies made them for us. Neither of us discovered that taste on our own. And they are awesome so of course we liked them.
So, what we had was an obscure but coincidental taste for the same food.
I believed that it was an odd similarity and not fate.
However, I enjoyed telling that story to others. I did not embellish the story.... and I even threw in a skeptical assertions like, "It's only a coincidence".......... but some part of me knew where they would take it. I think I opened up to people who (I believed) would make the cosmic connections for me.
I liked the world they painted. I felt special thinking that Joe and I were together because of some beautiful and magical force. So I played along ... never agreeing with them, but, taking a ride on their belief that something beyond coincidence existed. I liked getting lost in those sort of dreamy romantic thoughts.
I put peanut butter and pickle in Google today, and I found multiple listings. 12 pages of people getting off on how crAzy they were for eating this sandwich.
Do I share a divine connection with all of them?
I'm embarrassed for allowing myself knowingly to be such a silly little girl on this. I am ashamed for the cheap thrills I got out of something I knew was superficial. ...And it is difficult for me to admit without buffering my actions, that I purposely used the people around me to visit a place I could not go myself.
However.... that brings me to a point that I am happy about. I don't really need to do that now. After 18 years together -more than half of my life- we have -Substance- gained through a shared life, many common interests, trust, and well earned faith in ... us.
Joe is my best friend,
my Husband,
and I still have a girlly crush on him sometimes.
It would seem very empty to me if I still gave any weight or magical credibility to a sandwich.
I have so much more than that in my hands.
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