Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Frog Who Fell in Love With the Moon..... coming back to this again (another shot at Hazika)

The Frog Who Fell in Love With the Moon

A little Frog with a big voice sat between the reeds along the bank of a slow river. 
Looking beyond the grass and cattails (as he did every night) he saw his Moon.

The Moon visited him often.
Sometimes she was shy,
other times bold,
many times mysterious,
and occasionally even a little sad.

Tonight she brought him a warm glow and a pleasant smile. 

Although he had written many songs through his life,
a warm sweet breeze carried the smell of a young summer reminding him of his youth
…so he sang about the night he first saw her wonderful light, 
and promised to love her forever. 

... because he had always kept his promise, the song made the moon very happy. 

I have written before about Hazika..... so I will skip the explanation here and jump right into the specifics of this little story/poem...thing. 
The drawing is new but the story has been around for a while. 
This was inspired by a line from the first birthday card Joe ever gave me .....( I will post it again)....He drew it quickly right before I got to school..... it is my favorite card ever. It lacks the perfunctory trappings of card giving. ..... but that is one of Joe's most beautiful charms.... he never has a hidden agenda, so his words cut through you with brutal honesty. 
[...oh, the slut thing was kind of an inside thing ....and pretty much my doing.... I liked being called a slut, what can I say (even though it wasn't even all that true... sorry to disappoint :) ]

The story  developed around his promise to love me forever..... but (consciously) there isn't any specific meaning to the roles assigned.... I wouldn't specifically say Joe was frog like or I was moon like [even though I am quite round :) ]
I need to keep working on the structure of it...... there are fragments and run-ons clashing with each other all over the place, but, that is kind of how I want it. 
I like that some sentences make you drown a little and desire a place to come up for air..... 
I like that other parts are little stabs ........................
.....................but punctuating it is a nightmare ...... I want it to seem intentional, not sloppy......but my grammar skills are not quite up to the task.... I can always grab Joe on this, but he is a little rigid, so I am not sure if this will suit his sensibilities... Anyway

......the drawing....

Happy about some parts, other things need work.... I won't point out the parts that bug me because I feel like my dissatisfaction might spread like a disease, but..... I am going to come back to it and see how I feel about it in a few months . I left the right side of the image blankish so I could insert the text of the story..... with this sort of thing I don't mind going in digitally to tweak or add color .... and text......... I would prefer handwritten text... it has a warmth I like, but I need flexibility on this since I am still tinkering. 

One funny thing with this drawing..... or I guess you could say one funny thing with me .... The other day I got some piece of mail..... on the inside of the envelope it had a security lining.... and I thought it would be so exciting to try and hand draw something like that ( as I type that sentence,  I see the problem.....)
So the grey field that is the nights sky took me hours.... hours!!! I was so obsessed with finishing it that I couldn't sleep and I almost peed on myself because I kept putting off my bodily signals thinking  just 3 more lines....
A while ago, earnestly and without humor Joe and I took the online Aspergers quiz..... I thought in a non critical way that Joe might be a candidate (because he only seems to make eye contact with me unless forced) but I scored way higher than he did. I did not expect that result ..... I think my love of patterns and drive to "complete" them might be linked somehow..... 
BUT.... that said if it is accurate I don't feel good or bad about it ....... It was an online quiz so it probably has all the credibility of a horoscope....and it seems that Aspergers is a trendy conclusion right now .... so..... I can't really bank on those results :) 
............I am wandering off topic..... so, long story short..... it was a mistake to admire the security pattern on the envelope..... All that work had very little impact on the image..... However it was Very satisfying when I put the last stroke down.... so maybe it was worth it for that alone. 


-Also tomorrow is the 24th anniversary of our first date.... the opening of Alien 3 and the airing of the last Johnny Carson show. 

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