Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Well I am 43 now...
I thought I would be posting a huge list of horror movies but so far we have mainly been watching anime (Re Life) and the new Luke Cage series on Netflix ..... We watched Sugar Hill (1974) and a few other movies .... but we aren't on pace to beat any old records or anything. :)
it's OK though...
on Deviant art there was a poll asking why you create art .... I thought my answer turned out interesting so I am reposting it here:

Option 1 "keeps my sanity"
Even though it feels a lot like going crazy...
I can't stop even if I want to..... this might sound a little pathetic... but....

When my life is at its worst, when I have lost myself to the real world (shitty jobs, tragedy, stress, anxiety ) and I feel empty..... my compulsion to create angrily asserts itself.... it is like a voice in the darkness that tells me I am not worthless... that there is more to me than can be taken away or lost. 
The patterns that I draw show up in everything... they haunt my dreams and flash behind my eyelids in the hazy moments just before and after sleep .... they find their way to paper if I come close to holding a pen..... 
I don't mean to imply that my creative desires are really soothing or comforting when they rescue me from giving into the mundane....... it's more like there is some last little angry seed that is indignant about being suffocated.... and it is going to survive and take revenge on my complacency....
I am in a pretty good spot now, so I realize that The anger will die down when I accept and respect the part of me that creates.... and I can find a soothing edge to all of this....but I would have to say (when I have really needed it,) if my art is therapy for me it feels like some kind of -scared straight, tough love slap in the face....not a soothing bubble bath with candles. 

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