Saturday, April 16, 2016

One of Joe's...

Found this when I was cleaning.... It is one of Joe's intaglios. (1992)
 He doesn't draw anything anymore... I feel bad about that. I miss seeing it .... I feel somehow responsible for him stopping.... and I feel like one of the ways we communicated just ended.... don't get me wrong Joe and I are fine in the expressiveness category... (at least to each other) so it isn't like there was a vacancy left.That space was filled in with pop culture references.....or something.......... But..... 
sometimes when I am drawing I wonder what he would be drawing.... I wonder how we would bounce off one another now...... would there be a link? We always were pretty different style wise. Me, now, my drawing is so different than it was back then that ......
I have lots of questions..... 

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